How to Stay Nourished at 40,000 Feet

How to Stay Nourished at 40,000 Feet | Nourish SF

I've been traveling quite a bit recently- I looked at my calendar today and realized I've been away from home for two months out of the last six. What I've discovered, without fail, is this: When I don't take the time to take care of myself, I get knocked out with a cold when I get home. I used to blame it on the sick person next to me on the flight or on all the germs I probably picked up at the airport.

When I take care of myself before, during and after the trip- returning home is different. I've found that even if I'm surrounded by sick people on a 14 hour flight, my immune system is strong enough to fight off anything. It's taken me a lot of trial and error over the years to find the best holistic products- I've found that Whole Foods is a good one stop shop. Besides sleep and hydration, pictured and below are my tips to staying nourished while traveling:

1. My favorite, high quality, loose-leaf sencha green tea. It's part of my morning routine and helps me relax- it makes anywhere feel like home.
2. Vitamins and supplements: Omegas, Women's Multi and Vitamin D. I like New Chapter.
3. In my holistic medicine bag: Cool Your Guts stomach soother, probiotics that don't have to be refrigerated, Nuun electrolyte tablets, papaya enzyme for occasional heartburn, Cold Eeze zinc lozenges, lubricating eye drops and saline nasal spray.
4. Healing teas: Throat CoatBelly Comfort and Nighty Night.
5. 32oz bottle to refill constantly. I try to drink around 64oz per day and extra on a flight.
6. Oatmega bars are my newest snack obsession- 14 grams of protein in every bar and very little sugar! These are the best snack bars I've been able to find: They keep you full for a long time and taste great.
7. Homemade protein truffles with dried apricots and prunes. Stackable containers to store meals in (to avoid airport/plane food)- they stack neatly to save space while traveling.
8. Portable loose leaf tea canister to fill with hot water at the airport, in cafes or in the hotel room.
9. Hard boiled eggs- more protein-filled snacks.
10. Not pictured: Hand sanitizing wipes, travel kleenex, healthy protein-heavy salad to avoid airplane food (you can pick up something that looks good at home or at your destination, on your way home so you have meals both ways). Also, after lots of experimentation, we found these to be the best earplugseye maskneck pillow and lumbar pillow to ensure the most comfortable and peaceful sleep possible on a long flight.